Thaw, feed, serve: very old worms come back to life!

Worms are amazing creatures!

These worms in Siberia were frozen thousands of years ago. In 2018, scientists took over 300 specimens and began carefully thawing them. Two of them came back to life! They began moving and looking for something to eat. Researchers think they are both females, making them the oldest living “women” in the world.

How do worms do it? We really don’t know, but we study worms to try to learn their secrets. They’re just simple enough to be a tantalizing goal, but they’re never as simple as we think.

You can learn the characteristics and classification of 24 types of worms with this game, Worm Farm. It’s a FREE DOWNLOAD with instructions to make and play two games. perfect for teachers! “Worm Zoo”

Want to study the anatomy of a planaria? Here’s a FREE download about planaria that lets you make a front side/inside worm with cardstock, print it yourself!

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